Terms of use

Use of this website is subject to these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. Users who do not accept these Terms of Use are not authorised to use or continue using this website. Please note that these Terms of Use only govern the use of this website. The terms and conditions relating the use of our products shall be governed by separate licensing or commercial agreements

We may amend these Terms of Use at any time and any revised version will be effective immediately from the time that it is displayed on this website.

In the event of any comments or questions concerning these Terms of Use, please contact us by email.

Our Intellectual property rights

We own or are licensed to use all intellectual property rights in and to this website and all technical infrastructure relating to it.

Access to and use of this website

In accessing any part of this website, you agree:

  • Not to use this website in such a way that disrupts, interferes with or restricts the use of this website by other users;
  • not to upload, display or transmit any materials through this website which are false, offensive, defamatory, threatening, obscene, unlawful or which infringe the rights of any other person anywhere in the world;
  • not to reverse engineer, decompile, copy or adapt any software or other code or scripts forming part of this website or attempt to transmit to or via this website any information that contains a virus, worm, trojan horse or other harmful or disruptive component; and
  • not to change, modify, delete, interfere with or misuse data contained on this website and entered by or relating to any third party user of this website.

Materials contained in this website may be viewed for personal use or internal circulation within your organisation provided that no trade mark, copyright or other proprietary notices contained in or appearing on such material are removed in whole or in part.

Materials contained in this website may not otherwise be copied, reproduced or redistributed in whole or in part without our prior written consent. In particular it must not be reproduced or exploited for commercial gain. All other rights are reserved and users must seek our permission before making any other use of material contained in this website.

Content Disclaimer

Whilst we use reasonable efforts to include accurate, complete and current (as of the date posted) information on this website, we do not warrant that the content herein is accurate, complete, current or free of technical or typographical error.

Further, information provided is given as at the date of release and as such may no longer be up to date. It is your responsibility to verify any information before relying on it. We reserve the right to amend and or update information contained within this website without prior notice.

Privacy and Cookies policy

This website has been prepared with the aim of providing information about Valament its products and services.

Owing to the nature of the internet we cannot guarantee that this website or the websites to which it is linked will always be available to users. You should ensure that you have appropriate protection against viruses and other security arrangements in place whilst using the Internet.

Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information on this website was accurate at the time of publication, it is subject to variation at any time without notice and we do not give any warranty that any such information will be accurate or complete at any particular time or at all.

This website and any information or other material contained in it are made available strictly on the basis that you accept it on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. Where you rely on any information or other material contained in it, you do so entirely at your own risk and you accept that all warranties, conditions and undertakings, express or implied, whether by common law, statute, trade usage, course of dealings or otherwise in respect of this website are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

We exclude all liability whatever, to the fullest extent permitted by law, in respect of any loss or damage resulting or arising from any non-availability or use of this website or of any other website linked to it, or from reliance on the contents of this website or any material or content accessed through it.


Our website may contain links to other websites. Please note that we have no control of websites outside you provide information to a website to which we link, we are not responsible for its protection and privacy. Always be wary when submitting